We provide best reports for your business
Customers Report
Customers traffic Data
- Total Traffic (By: Head Count /Hourly /Daily /Weekly)
- Traffic Groups
- Total Traffic Gender Wise
- Total Traffic Age Wise
- No Traffic Hours (No Customer at Store)
- Total Lost / Unattended Customers
- Average Sales Conversion Percentage
Employees Report
Employees Management Data
- Attendance
- Total Idle Hours (Neither the Employee Nor The Customers at Store / Outlet wise )
- Average Break / Rest Hours (Employee wise / Outlet wise / Nationwide)
- Total Traffic Age Wise
- Employees In / Out Summary (Daily/Weekly)
- Average SOP Violation Hours (Employee Wise / Outlet Wise / Nationwide)
- Employee worked less then daily assigned hours
- Top Productive Employees (Nationwide)
- Conversion Percentage (Employee Wise )
- Sales Manager Monitoring
- District Manager Monitoring
Location Management
Location Management and Control Data
- Average Store Open Time (Outlet wise / Nationwide)
- Conversion Percentage (Outlet Wise )
- Top Productive Store (Nationwide)
- Under Staff Hours (Outlet Wise)
- Over Staff Hours (Outlet Wise)
- Store Late Open (Screenshot)
- Store early close (Screenshot)
- Aisle monitoring
- Smart Theft Clips
- Misbehaving Clips
- Dress Code Violation Clips
- SOP Violation Clips
- Suspicious Activity Clips
- SOPs Volitions